McIntosh – MS500 – Media Streamers
Media Streamers
The sophisticated yet simple to use MS500 Music Streamer seamlessly integrates both your internet based streaming music and locally stored digital music into one comprehensive device. It allows your digital library to be enjoyed with McIntosh’s legendary audio standards – including uncompressed, lossless files with up to 24-bit/192kHz resolution.
With all its onboard storage and external connection capabilities, the MS500 can easily serve as a central hub for all your digital music. The high-speed network port connects you to leading streaming services1 such as Deezer, Murfie, Pandora®, Rhapsody®, SiriusXM®, Slacker, Spotify®, TIDAL and TuneIn (services subject to change). Interfaces to these services are built in to the MS500 – putting all your streaming music at your fingertips. Internet radio stations can also be added as presets. Three USB ports allow for external mass storage or flash drives to be connected.