Delivery to United States
Order Amount | Method | Cost | Approx Delivery | Tracking | Policies |
Up to $75.00 | Priority | $6.95 | 2-4 Business Days | YES | Delivery time varies by state |
Express | $27.95 | 1-2 Business days | YES | Order must be received by 1 PM, EST. | |
Over $75.00 | Priority | FREE | 2-4 business days | YES | Delivery time varies by state |
Express | $27.95 | 1-2 Business days | YES | Order must be received by 1 PM, EST. |
Delivery to Canada
Order Amount | Method | Cost | Approx Delivery | Tracking | Policies |
All Orders | Priority | $27.95 | 6-10 Business Days | YES | Times vary (See #4 below) |
Express | $32.95 | 3-5 Business days | YES | Times vary (See #4 below) |
International Delivery
Order Amount | Method | Cost | Approx Delivery | Tracking | Policies |
All Orders | Priority | $34.95 | 6-10 Business Days | YES | Times vary (See #4 below) |
Express | $45.00 | 3-5 Business days | YES | Times vary (See #4 below) |
*Subject to in-stock conditions
Free Shipping does not apply to Canadian and International Orders!
Track your order via or site
Instructions are easy to follow, however:
- The USPS may be delayed from time to time with updating the status of shipments on their site but we have used them for many years since they are highly reliable and less costly.
- While the tracking of International shipments via USPS site can be uncertain, the goods will generally arrive at their destination consistent with the above delivery projections.
- Please note: We do not ship on Saturdays and Sundays.
- Orders shipped outside the U.S. territory may be subject to Custom Inspections and/or fees according to the the regulations of the destination country. Paulson's AV is not responsible for these actions or any reimbursement of Custom fees or taxes.
- All prices are shown in U.S. dollars.
- We are sorry for any inconvenience with any of the above.
Please call (248) 553-4100 or email us at for additional shipping options.
Certain exceptions may apply where shipping costs are disproportionately high relative to the dollar amount of your order. In such instances, we reserve the right to contact you prior to shipping your order to you in order to obtain your approval for additional costs added to your account.